The Carnival Poet

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Hi!  I'm the "Carnival Poet"
When I graduated from high school, I took off with a small carnival. It definitely changed my life forever.  While on the road, I would write about the life that I had discovered myself living. It was a hard life, but one that I would grow to miss as I moved on.
I went to work for a global company and spent 4.5 years working in a gray cubicle with now windows to the outside world.  Each spring, I would miss the carnival life and long to just leave.
As fate would have it, my path crossed with the same carnival in the spring of 2006 and I traveled once more...even while working a regular full time job.  It was tiresome work and many miles each week for my little car.  During this summer, I met my current boyfriend and couldn't be happier. Turns out, we knew each other when we were kids. Small world.
All things their reason.
Now, I work for an even larger global company.  I'm looking to do something different with myself. 
I am a poet by nature and I use this gift to keep in touch with my carnival side and to portrait its beauty. 
In my spare time, I compose music, write novels, design light fixtures, marvel old cars, shoot pool, play darts, ride my motorcycle and restoring an old carnival game trailer.
I fancy myself as a simple woman with too many interests in life to steer me onto one good path.  Instead, I find myself traveling on such a wide road that leads everywhere.
2006 was a very hard year.  I lost myself at the beginning and now feel completed at the turn of the year. 2007 will mark my 10 years out of high school.
I'm very proud of my accomplishments in life.  I welcome all e-mail, especially from fellow showmen, as long as "poetry" or "carnival" is in the subject line (or it will be deleted as spam)
Life is but a carnival
We're either too scared to take that ride
or lost in wonder

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.